Puppies born on 08.04.2022

We have 2 black males, 3 brown males, 4 black females and 2 brown females



Kairos de Grande Vinko Oksamit de Grande Vinko Leo v. Markischen Land Nitro del Rio Bianco
Isa v. Markischen Land
Gekata de Vinko iz Doliny Dolmenov Pluto de Grande Vinko
Aida de Grande Vinko
Alastriona de Grande Vinko

Ale' Alamos del Citone

Pathos delle Querce Nere
Ramona Rashi del Citone
Modus Ost Wis Wespera Pluto de Grande Vinko
Modus Ost Gottin Gera
Tira Vento Campari Quiz v. Schwarze Kraft Destiny's Phoenix Highway to Hell

Mitto del Nasi

Hazy Dream de Grande Vinko
Zoe Copper Ginga House Oscar z Padoku
Carmen Cara Ginga House
Sant Kreal Henessy Sant Kreal Zeus Urbano del Diamante Nero
Sant Kreal Ukrashenie
Sant Kreal Vivache

Adamant de Grande Vinko

Sant Kreal Rubinovaya Roza




Breeder: Katarzyna Plewka, "TIRA VENTO" kennel
Location: 21-025 Niemce, Poland
Phone: + 48 604 223 220, +48 692 441 231
website: www.tiravento.pl
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


