Puppies were born on 15.02.2023


We have 1 black male and 10 black females






Nostra v.d Donauhoeve Oksamit de Grande Vinko Leo v. Markischen Land Nitro del Rio Bianco
Isa v. Markischen Land
Gekata de Vinko iz Doliny Dalmenov Pluto de Grande Vinko
Aida de Grande Vinko
Jada Delle Due Donne

Genius van de Donauhoeve

Enzo van de Donauhoeve
Biskaya van de Donauhoeve
Dina van de Donauhoeve Nitro del Rio Bianco
Xena van de Donauhoeve
Coco Chanel Franyo Freiherr v. Hohenzollern Oksamit de Grande Vinko

Leo v. Markischen Land

Gekata de Vinko iz Doliny Dalmenov
Armani v. Hohenzollern

Latino Lorenco v. Cobra

Pebbles The Best Line
Ayla J'arun Kantu del Naissus Graf Xenon of Mon-ja-mes
Gräfin Aurelie of Ja-mes-le'mon
Xylia di Casa Fox

Nex di Campovalano

Margot di Casa Fox


Breeder: Giovanni Creatini and Sonja Lanfer (Italian, German, English)
Location: Toscana, Italy
Phone: +393271965750, +49 15170020754 (Sonja Lanfer - German, English)
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
website: www.val-di-vetro-dobermann.it




